Jessica Blush (also known as Jessie Lush) is a site-model. She's 16, as of March, 2011, and she lives in Sin City, Nevada. Her boyfriend's name is Billy... she got big through MySpace, but as of now, she doesn't have one, due to fakes. She is 5' 7" and she weighs about 100lbs. She wrote on a Tumblr blog, she hates her body. She thinks it's gross. She doesn't have an eating disorder and no matter what or how much she eats, she doesn't ever really gain weight. She'd rather be curvy than bony any day! So, back off of Jessie. She's just a young girl wanting to have fun. She's what some define as "scene" and she does wear 20" hair-extensions (bought from eBay). She has two gauges, right ear 11/16, left ear 00, due to a rip. Her camera is a Canon Powershot Sx30, it's $443. She uses Photoshop to edit her pictures. No make-up.